Bass River Rod & Gun Club

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Bass River SharkShooters

Scholastic Clay Target Program

Bass River Rod and Gun Club
Scholastic Clay Target Program Parent & Shooters Overview

After Reviewing This Page - Contact Arthur Boujoukos With Questions By Clicking HERE
Scroll to the bottom of the page for "How To Get Started"


The Bass River Rod and Gun Club is pleased to be able to offer to Cape Cod residents a new Youth Shotgun Program built around the Scholastics Clay Targets Program (SCTP). The SCTP is a national youth shooting organization supported by the Scholastics Shooting Sports Foundation (Skeet and Sporting Clays) and USA Shooting (feeder program for US Olympic Skeet and Trap teams), as well as by various 503c3 organizations.

The aim of our program is to introduce boys and girls, grades 5 thru 12, to clay target sports - specifically Trap, Skeet and 5-Stand. Our hope is to have athletes participate in clay targets shooting sports in a team environment and through proper knowledge, skills and attitude, learn to enjoy this challenging and rewarding outdoor sport.

Our curriculum starts with assuring SAFETY before all else. Clay target shooting is amongst the safest sport that young athletes will participate in. All athletes will complete basic firearms instruction, safety training and range orientation. Athletes with significant prior shotgun experience through hunter education courses will be evaluated by a coach to assess their individual needs. In any case, no athletes will handle firearms until Coaches/Instructors are satisfied that the athlete understands and practices safe gun handling. Safety violations will be addressed immediately. Violations will result in suspension for the remainder of the day’s events at a minimum, and progress from there.

Once a sound basis of safety and basic shotgun shooting has been reviewed with the athletes, we will begin to teach beginners the fundamentals of clay target sports and then refine those skills to become competent and potentially competitive athletes. Generally, this will start with trap and skeet. Both of these sports will help develop skills that can be honed to Olympic competition levels. Additionally, these skills will be transferrable to those wanting to shoot 5-Stand and sporting clay courses (like golf but more fun) as well as to bird hunting, if interested. Participants will receive individual and team instruction and coaching with the ultimate goal of regional, state and potentially national team competition. 

Parents and athletes interested in visiting our club may visit during March (Saturday the 15th, 22nd and 29th at 2pm) before the season opens. Kids should bring a parent, $5 and dress warmly enough to enjoy being outside on our range for an hour or so. We’ll provide the supervision, shotgun and ammo and show you what it’s like to break clays. You may also contact one of the coaches to arrange a one-on-one session. Please coordinate your visit in advance so that we can ensure there is a coach available to greet you and provide a tour of the facility and don’t forget your gun.

Program Details

Practices run weekly, Saturday afternoon 1-4:30PM from April to June and once school is out, Tuesday evenings at 5:30 during the summer. Some Saturday practices will be included in the summer program.

•   The basic fee for athletes will be $300 for the season. Membership fee must be paid in full at the time of registration in April. 

•   This fee covers the full instructions and participation in all practices and most local shoots; ammo, targets, basic safety glasses, use of club hearing              protection, and membership in the SCTP.

•   Grants may be available to families based on need. Please discuss with the coach.

•   Fees for additional competition entry/targets are not included in the membership and may be extra.

Joining The Team

•  The Youth Shotgun Program starts April 5th, 2025 with Registration and the first day of Safety Training. We will end at the end of August/

•   There will be weekly practice shoots at the club along with inter-club events and possible participation in State Trap shoots.

•   A packet of forms and waivers will require parental and youth signatures before starting.

•   For any meets, parents are expected to provide transportation to these events.

Team Structure

The coaches will provide instruction to allow the youth to obtain the knowledge and develop the skills to develop into safe clay shooters. Whether it is to compete against other athletes, to learn to safely bird hunt or just to enjoy a new outdoor skill, our youth members will enjoy a great opportunity. New clay shooters will get more one on one attention in their first year and can compete against similarly experienced shooters from other clubs. More experienced shooters will get coaching to focus on their goals.

For competitions, the Scholastics Clay Target Program has defined 3 divisions (grade levels) which are based on school grade and time invested. Our program will adhere to these divisions and categories:

•   Rookie Division (Grades 5 and under) No categories in Rookie Division

•   Intermediate Division Categories (Grades 6-8 only)

•   Entry Level - 1st year of participation in the Intermediate Division

•   Advanced – After one year of participation in the Intermediate Division

•   Senior Division (Grades 9-12)

•   Jr. Varsity - 1st year of Participation in the Senior division

•   Varsity - After one year of participation in the Senior Division


As shotgun sports are expensive, part of being on the team requires participation in fundraising activities. Fundraising will go towards offsetting the cost of the program, registration fees, targets and ammunition. Both fundraising and volunteering for the host club, Bass River Rod and Gun Club, will be expected or all program participants.

Team Rules For Both Practices And SCTP Meets•  

•   All SCTP registered athletes, coaches, and anyone on the shooting field must wear eye & ear protection during all SCTP practice and competitive               events. 

•   Foot Wear: Shooting in flip-flops or opened-toed/heeled shoes/sandals is prohibited.

•   Muzzle Control: While on a shooting post or station, the muzzle must never cross any part of the shooter’s anatomy or any other person’s anatomy. 

•   Promoting a positive image is in the best interest of the SCTP and everyone involved with it. Appropriate dress for everyone associated with SCTP goes      a very long way in making a positive impression. Specifics of dress code will be reviewed at orientation.

Conduct Guidelines

Applies to coaches and athletes.  Acts of using abusive or profane language or displaying unsportsmanlike conduct during competition is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to:

• Arguing with referees and national staff

• Unsafe handling/use of firearms

• Disrupting a competitor

• Cheating

• Consuming alcohol/tobacco products (including any form of e-cigarettes or “vapor” products), or using non-prescribed drugs before or during any SCTP        activity are prohibited.

• Respect your team mates, coaches, assistance coaches and parents. Give respect and you will earn respect.

• Cell phone use is a distraction on the field and phones will be off during practice.

For Parents

Parents need to know that safety is the priority in all the clay target sports. We support the strict policies of SCTP with regard to violations of safety rules at practices and at competitions: any violation will result in a shooter being suspended for the remainder of the day’s event, multiple events, or expulsion from the team altogether. Coaches’ decisions are final, especially when it comes to safety.

We encourage parents to volunteer and assist coaches with basic team organizational activities

and ensure participants are ready for the day’s events. We want our coaches on the line instructing and helping the youth athlete. The coaches may not always have something for a parent to do but we would appreciate the offer/support. All coaches and parent volunteers will have CORI checks. Unless volunteering we ask that parents remain off the field so that athletes can focus on their game. 

We will provide a limited number of team firearms and 12-gauge ammunition (no 20 gauge). We encourage parents/athletes new to clay shooting to:

•   Talk with coaches in selecting an appropriate shotgun

•   Obtain either an FID card or LTC

Parents and athletes providing their own firearms must comply with Mass Laws regarding licensing, storage, and transportation of firearms.


Ear and Eye Protection is required of all shooters and any volunteers on the field

Safety Is Everyone’s Responsibility

1. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.

2. Always keep your finger off the trigger & outside the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.

3. Always keep the gun unloaded and open until ready to fire (Open or Out rule: Keep the gun open or you’re out for the day!)

4. Know and respect the SCTP & Bass River Rod and Gun Club range safety rules.

Volunteer Staff


Arthur Boujoukos

Everett Boy
Joseph Breda
Gary Cox
Dan Paige
Phillip Rogers

Kevin York

How To Get Started

1. To Participate in the program, begin by printing and filling out an application by clicking HERE

2. Please print out and review the following BRRGC Minor Waiver by clicking HERE.  

The waiver will need to be signed, in person, by a parent or legal guardian at our first informational meeting.

3. Please print out and review the following Sportsmanship Contract by clicking HERE.

The contract will need to be signed, in person, by a parent or legal guardian, and the athlete, at our first informational meeting.

4. Please print out and review the following Medical Consent Form by clicking HERE.

The consent form will need to be signed, in person, by a parent or legal guardian, and the athlete, at our first informational meeting.

Questions should be directed to Head Coach, Arthur Boujoukos, by clicking HERE.

Please include your phone number in the e-mail so the coach can be in touch by phone.

How To Support Us

Make a tax-deductible donation to our junior shotgun team by clicking HERE

The MidwayUSA Foundation matches your donation dollar for dollar. Donate $500 and it becomes $1000 – magic!

Our team is endowed in perpetuity.

For every outdoorsman and woman, a time comes when you ponder what the future holds for those who follow us into the field. Will brook trout still rise to a hatch on the Kennebec? Will grouse still flush along the graveled roads of Western Maine?  Will Striped Bass continue to bend our rods on the outer beaches and in the rips off Monomoy? Will we have protected the rights of the sportsmen and women wielding the rods and guns - and lent our energy to keeping the wild places wild?  By funding endowments like ours, we ensure the passions we held close to heart are given a fighting future chance.  

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